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The Heart of Gravity Speakers
December 13, 2021 12:03 PM
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A Forward-Thinking Speakers’ Bureau and Agency Built on Connection and Purpose. We could provide a simple service of connecting speakers with events, but that isn’t enough for us. We want to make a difference. Events don’t succeed with old thinking and slideshows. They succeed when forward-thinking thought leaders connect with event goers and inspire them. Connecting the right speaker and audience creates a platform with a purpose stretching the possibilities of individuals and brands.

Gravity Speakers Secret Sauce, the People. We are in a people-centered business, but the real secret sauce in our business is our people. You can’t really understand a brand without first getting to know the people behind it. Our culture and vision flow from all of our collective passions and expertise. Here is a little glimpse of what drives us individually and collectively.

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Ricky Singh, Co-Founder

As a middle child, I was literally born into the role of “connector” of my siblings. What I realized, was I loved being the source that brought people together. There is something special that happens when the right people connect with each other. Gravity Speakers became a natural expression of my passion to connect people for the greater good. Who knew I would end up scaling my talents by bringing together peoples’ talent and expertise with companies that share their passion to make a difference in the world. It isn’t just a dream job, it is a passion that has purpose. I love waking up every morning knowing I am enabling some of the most amazing people and brands to impact even larger audiences with their message. My goal is to make Gravity Speakers the ultimate platform for forward-thinking connection.

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Nausheen Abdul Aziz, Co-Founder

Due to my multicultural and multinational upbringing, I had struggled with finding a tribe I felt I could belong to. Curiosity drove me to a diverse background and skillset. This meant I simply didn’t fit into one particular category. This made fitting in difficult, but I later realized I didn’t need to fit in, I needed to stand out. In the world of thought leadership and speaking the same holds true. The ideas and people that are often most celebrated are not those that fit the status quo, but those who bring something new. My tribe is made up of people who want to have interesting and meaningful conversation, who believe in kindness, compassion, and accountability, and of people who want to build each other up and see others grow and succeed. We prize diversity of thought, inclusion, and community. Gravity Speakers is an extension of this tribe and it is a platform for these same values to spread.

More Than a Business, a Philosophy. If people are our business, then relationships are our currency. It isn’t enough to just provide a service, we want to be difference makers providing value to our speakers, the companies looking for speakers, and the people who watch and learn from them. Our philosophy is to providing holistic value to everyone involved. This isn’t our business, it is how we do business.

Our Inspiration. What inspires us is our shared vision that the best ideas can change the world, but only if they have a platform and an audience. Every day our speakers inspire us and audiences around the world to think differently. We wake up and go to work to make sure they can keep doing that. Our goal is for their inspiration to become your inspiration.

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