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Representing the Underrepresented
December 13, 2021 9:30 PM
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At Gravity Speakers we aren’t here to just do business, we are here with a purpose. The days of the gatekeepers deciding who gets to be heard are numbered. The internet and social media have opened up access to a vastly more diverse set of ideas and yet there still lacks opportunity for many underrepresented groups to share their voice. At Gravity Speakers, we are proud to bring you a diverse group of thought leaders and difference makers to expand conversations and represent the underrepresented.

A Time for New Stories

We have heard the stories shared with us, but we haven’t heard from everyone. Hollywood has a knack of telling the same stories over and over again, often with the same actors. This creates an expectation that there is one path, a singular point of view, and one story to tell. The idea that you have to “fit in” to be accepted or given a voice is something that the future simply won’t embrace. People from all different backgrounds have been pushed aside, marginalized,  and not given a platform to share their unique perspectives. We don’t just offer services to underrepresented speakers, we seek them out and empower them to join more conversations. It’s time to hear the whole story.

The richness of life is found in the diversity. Who we are, the culture, experiences, and struggles that we have faced add a unique lens to how we see the world, solve problems, and create. In this new world we need to be agile and aware of many different perspectives if we are going to thrive, we need to see the world from a broader set of angles. Stories teach us, inspire us, and expose us to new thinking which increases the depth of understanding we all have. We are a part of a vast community and the more we understand each other and learn from each other, the more we will be able to work together to create greatness for everyone. It’s time for new stories to be told and our goal is to connect you with the people who can expand your thinking and connect you with the complex story of all of us.

Flipping the Script

Sometimes the things you are missing are right beside you. As Albert Einstien said, “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” It’s the thinking on the edge and the people who haven’t been included that often come with the most profound observations and insight. If you want yesterday’s thinking, you can find that anywhere, but if you want fresh perspectives then come see the type of people we represent at Gravity Speakers. We are flipping the script to address old problems with new thinking.

Empowering a Fuller Conversation

Greatness often resides in the minority. The very nature of average means being in the majority. We believe the best stories have yet to be told. We believe that there are diamonds in our backyard. But it is up to us to provide the microphone and invitations for those voices to be heard. Our commitment is to continue to seek out those undiscovered talents, underrepresented groups, and people on the edges who dare to be heard. There are so many amazing people we have met, here is just a sample of some of the new speakers we are proud to amplify:

Arlan Hamilton, Founder of Backstage Capital a venture firm dedicated to creating funding opportunities for underrepresented founders.

Lolita Taub, 2x TEDx speaker, tech expert, and early-stage venture capitalist focusing on diversity.

Ugwem Eneyo, Co-Founder and CEO of Solstice Energy Solutions, a start-up specializing in using emerging tech to help African homes and small businesses.

Emily Best, Founder and CEO of Seed&Spark and online crowdfunding platform and subscription streaming platform for content focused on diversity and inclusion.

Rebecca Altamirano, Co-founder of Tangelo and innovation lab and author of Be The Change: Reinventing School for Student Success. She is an advocate for underrepresented communities.

Russell Ladson, CEO of Drop Software Inc and creative technologist as well as an activist for tech in justice and equal opportunity.

Andrea Barrica, CEO and Co-founder of, a judgment-free media platform providing sexual education with a multi-cultural focus.

This is just a small sampling of the new and exciting speakers we are working with and our list is constantly expanding. Our speakers section is full of a diverse group of thought leaders and rainmakers from all backgrounds driving the conversations forward in their respective fields and areas of expertise. We look forward to booking them to speak at your next event and for all the amazing new stories they will share.

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