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Gravity Speaks
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Colour Outside
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At Gravity Speakers, we’re guided by a pioneering spirit and deep commitment to amplify voices that educate, inspire, and provoke thought, regardless of the topic. This intentional approach has always guided us in selecting speakers to represent and topics to spotlight.

Gravity Speaks
Speaker Feature
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Colour Outside
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Arlan Hamilton's Your First Million isn't just a book; it serves as a roadmap, a source of motivation, and a celebration of underdogs who refuse to play by the rules. From the very first page, Arlan's unapologetic voice grabs you and doesn't let go.

Speaker Contribution
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Neil Sahota
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In today’s urban landscape, cities are leveraging technology to become smarter. Smart city applications integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) enhance various urban aspects. One primary focus is enhancing citizen engagement and transparency.

Gravity Speaks
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Colour Outside
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Gravity Speakers is proud to maintain a highly curated roster of speakers covering a complex and relevant range of topics to address our ever-evolving world. Whether that’s answering the question of how AI will shape the future of the job market or staying on top of public speaking trends, our speakers are invested in forming deep connections with their audiences regardless of the subject matter.

Speaker Contribution
Featured Author:
Neil Sahota
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Your money or your life? That’s the age-old question… usually asked by “highwaymen” a.k.a. robbers. Well, COVID-19 is a new kind of highway virus, and we’re asking, “Our lives, or our money?” Well, I’ll give you a typical MBA answer: It depends.

Gravity Speaks
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Like all businesses, the speaking and events world is subject to change. This is a topic many speakers and event organizers are thinking about now, thanks to the Coronavirus, but it is something the industry needs to start preparing for in spite of these difficult times. Speakers and event planners make their living off of live events and conferences and like any business, they can have disruptions. Having multiple ways to deliver your services and a contingency plan in place is key for business continuity. Here are a few things to help you prepare for the future.

Gravity Speaks
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Colour Outside
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Speakers bureaus offer the invaluable service of managing speakers, but at Gravity Speakers, we’re responsible for more than just securing bookings, negotiating fees, and overseeing logistics.

Gravity Speaks
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Colour Outside
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Live events require meticulous, orchestrated planning. But how do you take that effort and turn it into results? It’s no surprise that a live event often encourages the most buy-in from an audience, as participants feel like they’re part of something unique and relevant in the moment, while pre-recorded events can often make audiences feel more divorced from the subject matter.

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Max Lenderman
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Five years ago in an advertising trade magazine, I wrote a column asking if brand purpose had “jumped the shark.” As the founder and CEO of a purpose marketing consultancy, I was reacting to a Saturday Night Live skit that featured brand managers of Cheetos being pitched by rival agencies. One of the agencies just wants to show kids having fun and snacking; the other agency pitches increasingly absurd purpose-centered advertising tropes like immigration, racial inclusiveness, and transgender rights while touting the cheesiness (no pun intended) of the Cheetos brand. This skewering of purpose-washed commercials was a bit too much on the nose.

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Madison Butler
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We’ve exchanged our biases for the word, “culture fit”. He wasn’t a culture fit, she wasn’t a culture fit. But at the heart of that phrase - what are we hiding?

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