Leroy Chiao

Former NASA Astronaut and International Space Station Commander

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$10,000 – $20,000*

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$20,000 – $30,000*


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Texas, USA


Leroy Chiao is a former NASA astronaut and International Space Station commander. He works in business, consulting, executive coaching and space education. He is a professional international speaker, and a co-founder and the CEO of OneOrbit, providing keynotes and training to companies and schools. Chiao also holds appointments at Rice University and the Baylor College of Medicine and is an advisor to the Houston Association for Space and Science Education. He has worked in both government and commercial space programs and has held leadership positions in commercial ventures and NASA. He was the first LSU Raborn Distinguished Chair Professor. Chiao has extensive experience as a NASA Astronaut and prior to that, as a Research Engineer. Dr. Chiao is a fellow of the Explorers Club, and a member of the International Academy of Astronautics and the Committee of 100.

Dr. Chiao left NASA in December 2005 following a fifteen-year career with the agency. A veteran of four space missions, Dr. Chiao most recently served as Commander and NASA Science Officer of Expedition 10 aboard the International Space Station. He has logged over 229 days in space – over 36 hours of which were spent in Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA, or spacewalks). In 2009, he served on the White House appointed Review of U.S. Human Spaceflight Plans Committee, and currently serves on the NASA Advisory Council.

A native English speaker, Dr. Chiao also speaks Mandarin Chinese and Russian. He has flown space missions and worked closely with Russian, Japanese, and European Astronauts and their affiliated space agencies. Dr. Chiao is uniquely qualified to speak about the United States, Russian, Japanese, European, and Chinese Space Programs. A Space Station Commander and Space Shuttle Mission Specialist, Dr. Chiao was also a certified Co-Pilot of the Russian Soyuz spacecraft. He is an expert in all facets of U.S. and Russian EVA hardware and operations and is EVA certified in U.S. and Russian spacesuits, tools, and training programs. In September 2006, Chiao became the first American to visit the Astronaut Research and Training Center of China. There, he met the first two national Chinese astronauts, Yang Liwei and Fei Junlong.

Dr. Chiao studied Chemical Engineering, earning a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California at Berkeley in 1983. He continued his studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara, earning his Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in 1985 and 1987. Prior to joining NASA in 1990, he worked as a Research Engineer at Hexcel Corp. and then at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab.

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International Space Exploration Programs: History, Current Plans and Where are We Going?

Is It SADS, Or Am I in Space? Medical Considerations for Spaceflight

Journey of the First Chinese-Heritage Professional Astronaut

Dr. Chiao began his professional career as a chemical engineer, and his passion for space exploration led him to NASA. Following a stellar 15-year astronaut career, he moved on to leadership positions in entrepreneurial startups, applying his space experience to the business world. Chiao has identified and addressed key performance/innovation topics which affect all businesses and organizations, both big and small. His unique spaceflight perspective frames these topics from a non-traditional view that is especially impactful.

In addition to the keynotes, optional breakout sessions are available for each topic to delve into more detail for select participants. These sessions include concrete tools that can be applied immediately. Breakout sessions are customizable to fit your timeframe and needs.


Leroy Chiao Intro Video
Mission Statement - OneOrbit Mission - Changes Inside Of You
Follow Your Dreams
Chicago Ideas Week: Work Like an Astronaut
TEDx Alva Park: Human Spaceflight, the World and You
Leadership & Teambuilding
CNN Fareed Zakaria: On GPS: Is China winning the race for space supremacy?
VICE: Returning to Earth After Living Alone in Space | Isolation

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