Ryan Estis

Sales & Leadership, Business Growth & Performance Expert, Consultant, Certified Human Capital Strategist

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Domestic In-Person (USA):


International In-Person:

$40,000 - $60,000*




* Ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees vary by engagement type and are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact Gravity Speakers.

Traveling from

Minnesota, USA


Ryan Estis has more than 20 years of experience as a top-performing sales professional and leader. As the former chief strategy officer for the McCann Worldgroup advertising agency NAS, he brings a fresh perspective to business events. As a keynote speaker, Ryan is known for his innovative ideas on leading change, improving sales effectiveness and preparing for the future of work. He was recently recognized as one of “the best keynote speakers ever heard” by Meetings & Conventions magazine alongside Tony Robbins, Bill Gates, Colin Powell and Mike Ditka.

Ryan delivers keynote speeches, courses and online learning with an emphasis on actionable content designed to elevate business performance. His curriculum emphasizes emerging trends influencing leadership effectiveness, sales performance and customer experience. Ryan helps participants prepare to thrive in today’s ultra-competitive, hyper-connected business environment.

Ryan supports the world’s leading brands, including Liberty Mutual, Darden Restaurants, Goodyear, the Dallas Cowboys, Medtronic, ECCO USA and Blue Cross Blue Shield. He is a faculty member for the Institute of Management Studies, a member of the SmartBrief on Workforce Advisory Board and a certified Human Capital Strategist.

Ryan and his team publish original research featuring client case studies to expand the live event experience. He is also the author of a popular blog on business performance. His writing has been featured in Inc., Forbes, Entrepreneur, FastCompany, SmartBrief, Business News Network, Crain’s Business, and Yahoo Business.

Ryan is an Ohio University graduate who resides in downtown Minneapolis. When he’s not traveling to speaking engagements around the world, Ryan enjoys down time with family and friends, practicing yoga and cheering on his beloved Minnesota Timberwolves.

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“Have gotten a ton of ‘best ever,’ ‘Great choice,’ Etc. you killed it.”

Jeff Winter
VP Marketing, Pitney Bowes

“As you listen, he makes you want to stand up straight up, push your shoulders back and glow with confidence and energy. It was infectious and eye-opening. Ryan not only speaks well and commands his audience, but he always backs up his words with solid research, metrics, facts, and logic that settles your uncertainties.”

Managing Director, Mazars USA

“He killed it. Everyone I’ve spoken to said total homerun!”


“The most dynamic, energetic and relevant sales keynote we’ve ever had.”


“Fantastic job! The keynote was worth the standing ovation. Your takeaways will take us to the next level.”


“Ryan was hands down one of the best speakers we have had. His knowledge of our industry and his ability to touch every attendee with either knowledge or emotion is a phenomenal skill for any speaker. We have not had a speaker who took the extraordinary steps to prepare for a presentation that Ryan took. His questions of our industry, company and attendees were unprecedented in our event planning experience.”


“Thank you so much for a phenomenal session. Our IM was blowing up with rave reviews from the team. This was exactly the inspiration we needed to get fired up for the quarter and the year. Your unique approach of combining actionable insights with powerful stories drove the message home for the team.”


“It’s often said that people remember how you make them feel more than what you say. On behalf of the entire team at CDW I want to thank you for making each and every person feel in control of their success, in charge of their emotions and responsible for the next action step in their journey to success. You were memorable, relevant, energizing and authentic. Thank you for bringing your best self to CDW!”