Madison Butler

DEI Truth Teller, HR Change Maker

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Domestic In-Person (USA):

$12,000 - $15,000*

International In-Person:

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$5,000 - $10,000*


* Ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees vary by engagement type and are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please contact Gravity Speakers.

Traveling from

Texas, USA


Madison Butler is a native New Englander who has brought her east coast energy to Texas. She is a Black, queer woman, and she is also a survivor. She is the owner/founder of Blue Haired Unicorn, a consulting agency. Her work is focused around designing spaces and creating scalable strategies to achieve psychological safety. She is an outspoken advocate for mental health, removing the stigma around trauma and advocates for being “human at work’. She is passionate about facilitating hard conversations through storytelling, data and tough empathy. 

Madison has been featured in major news outlets such as New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Business Insider, Rolling Stone, and Der Spiegel. She has been recognized by Linkedin as a top Black voice to follow. She was also recognized as Austin’s rising star by DivInc in 2021.She is looked upon as an expert in her field and is passionate about using her platform to have the hard conversations.

Madison is committed to deconstructing the status quo and rebuilding corporate America, one organization at a time. Her mission is to ensure that no one ever feels like spaces were not made for them because we all deserve to live out loud. She is a start-up enthusiast and is passionate about building inclusive teams from the ground up with early stage companies. Madison is committed to helping change the narrative around what it looks like to be “human at work”, and hopes to reshape the way we look at ourselves at work and in life.

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Healed Leadership: Moving Forward From Trauma In The Workplace

Coloring Outside of the Lines: Living Your Life for You

Decoding Code Switching: Surviving Corporate America:

Anti-Racism and Allyship: A Guide

Race, Privilege & Intersectionality

Scaling Your Organization Ethically: Leadership Training

Degendering Language and Inclusive Communication

Inclusion Before Diversity: Creating Psychological Safety

Trauma & Inclusive Communication

All of Madison Butler's talks can be customized to your audience.

The Shortlist: Building Psychological Safety at Scale
DisruptHR: The Word “Culture Fit” is a Lie
Harvard Business Review: What Does “Just Be Yourself” Really Look Like at Work?
Code-Switching Is Not Trying to Fit into White Culture, It’s Surviving It
West Texas HR Symposium: The Business of Belonging Creating an Authentic Culture
TechTO: Diversity & Inclusivity
The Fix: How To Be Human At Work (Podcast)
Punk Rock HR: How To Build Inclusive Cultures with Madison Butler (Podcast)

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"Madi, thank you so much for speaking with the CPAWS-BC team earlier this week. The feedback from the staff has been incredibly positive, and your talk definitely left us wanting to engage more. It was inspirational, to-the-point, and beautifully authentic. You are gifted, indeed. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences.”

Meaghen McCord
Executive Director Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, British Columbia Chapter

“Madison talked about this and I struggle with the "well spoken" compliment, because I so admire people that are extremely clear communicators.  But she really was- just super polished, balanced humor to ease our little egos, and her confidence made you really want to learn from her - plus she was willing to share her lived experiences which was so valuable.”

Kiley W

“Highly recommend Madison for any DEI training!”

Kelsey D

“Madison Butler is a star and coveys her story and messages in such a matter of fact way. Thank you for bringing her to us”

Marc Brownstein

"Madison centered on a topic that many Red Hatters were excited to discuss for some time. She answered the various challenging yet necessary questions revolving intersectionality and what it looks like in the LGBTQ+, Black and Latinx/Hispanic community. We're even more excited because this conversation is going to continue with the other diversity and inclusion communities here at Red Hat. As we continue to push for inclusivity and focus on an open and welcoming workplace for everyone to be themselves, we thank Madison for providing her expertise on how we can accomplish that. Can't say thank you enough, Madison!"

Red Hat

"Inviting Madison Butler to be a guest speaker for our students was one of the best decisions we’ve made. Confident and inviting, Madison has the exceptional story telling skills to both capture and move the masses. Madison’s exceptional listening skills and passion to make the world a better place make a great experience for any audience. Madison had the highest engagement of our panel and our students walked away from the experience feeling motivated. I can’t wait to book Madison for more opportunities- hopefully she won’t be fully booked!"

San Jose City College

"Madi Butler’s humanity-first approach, coupled with her lived experience and astute insights on how to improve our workplaces and the communities that power them, left me wanting to learn more and to do better."


"Madison was a terrific guest who showed up prepared and answered all of our questions in a thoughtful and organized way. She is also a credible thought leader in the world of talent acquisition, corporate culture, and human resources."


“Very satisfied! Great content and great to work with.”

Marcett Banks
Portland Human Resource Management Association

“Madison was great and she really brought in her expertise and experience into the conversation making it a space that is honest and candid which is what we wanted.”

Saili Willis

“Madison was an engaging speaker and provided excellent takeaways for both individual contributors as well as leaders and managers.”

Brittany Oberstadt

“Top Notch!”

Titus West

“Madison was amazing to work with and offered a really impactful conversation for our employees.”

Devin Locascio
Equity & Belonging Program Specialist, Zillow Group

“Madison Butler is an incredible speaker; her presence, passion, knowledge, and storytelling ability are second to none. Our company learned so much from just a single one-hour session with Madison; not only how to better approach diversity, equity, and inclusion but also how to start taking specific steps actions in both our personal and professional lives to improve our relationships, workplaces, and communities. Thank you, Madison!”

Paige VanDemark
HR Generalist, MaryRuth Organics