Peter Baines

Leadership Expert, Powerful Storyteller, Everyday Hero

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Traveling from

Sydney, Australia


Peter Baines OAM, is one of Australia’s leadership experts having road tested leadership the hard way. Peter spent 22 years with the NSW Police leading teams in  response to acts of terrorism and natural disasters on a scale not previously seen. 

Peter was part of the leadership team that responded to Bali after the bombings in  2002 and was called in 2005 to lead international teams in response to the Tsunami of December 26, 2004 in South East Asia. Peter headed up multiple rotations into  Thailand leading international teams in the identification process of those who died. All the time his leadership theories were tested in this trying environment. 

Creating sustainable leadership became a passion of his after witnessing the devastating effects of the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami. He was deeply touched by the number of children left without parents by the disaster and was inspired to set up an organisation that could make a significant difference in the lives of these children. In late 2005, Hands Across the Water was formed to raise funds for, and awareness of, the children of Thailand who were left alone. Today Hands, has raised over $30 million Australian dollars. With this they have built several homes all across Thailand, purchased a rubber plantation to ensure a sustainable and regular income, constructed a community centre in the Khao Lak region of Thailand and a Digital Learning Centre in the North East. Hands, now has operations in seven different locations within Thailand and provide a home to several hundred children every night. 

The work of the charity has always taken a different approach to most in that they focus on creating meaningful shared experiences for their supporters. A cornerstone  event of the work of Hands are the long distance bike rides that you will find Peter leading throughout the year in Thailand. Peter has completed 37 rides to date leading supporters and corporate groups alike.

His final years with the NSW Police were spent on secondment to the National Institute of Forensic Science where he worked on national and international capacity building projects around counter terrorism and leadership. He spent time advising Interpol in France and the United Nations Office of Drug and Crime in South East Asia. Peter was engaged by the Government of Saudi Arabia following the deadly floods in Jeddah, to review their response and provide advice concerning crisis mitigation and leadership. In 2011 he deployed in Japan in response to the tsunami that would claim thousands of lives there. 

Peter has received various awards including an Order of Australia Medal in 2014, for his International Humanitarian work, and in 2016 he was awarded The Fifth Class of the Most Admirable Order of the Direkgunabhorn awarded by the King of Thailand.

In 2010 he was a NSW finalist for the Australian of the Year awards and he was the first Australian to be awarded the international honour of a Rotary Professional Excellence Award in 2008. He received the NSW Police Service Medal and the Australian Federal Police Operations Medal, for his work in Asia. He was the first NSW Police Officer to be awarded the Humanitarian Overseas Service Medal and Australian National Medal. He has completed university studies in Law, Forensic Science and post graduate studies in Management. 

Today Peter spends his time helping businesses build effective Sustainable Leadership programs through the unique mix of his leadership and corporate social responsibility initiatives. He continues with his work in supporting the kids and communities of Thailand through Hands Across the Water. Peter has written three books Hands Across the Water, published by Pan MacMillan, Doing Good by Doing Good and Leadership Matters: Stories and Insights for Leaders, Achievers and Visionaries, both published by Wiley.

When not traveling for work you are likely to find Peter with his wife Claire on their rural property tending to the Hereford cattle they bred or in the skies above flying helicopters.

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Peter Baines OAM | International Keynote Speaker
Peter Baines Keynote Showreel
Peter Baines - Action Brings Clarity PB SD

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"Listening to Peter speak just now has me seriously questioning my life choices. That was quite extraordinary and should be heard by all."

Alan Joyce

"Peter Baines your speech has left me in awe. Never have I seen anyone deliver the essence of leadership in such a clear, straight forward and insightful way. Your integrity and credibility is established the moment you begin."

Cadbury Schweppes

"I remind myself of a moment, free from all the madness that is our present day life, and a man who touched another like no other.  A memorable day where the important became real and where an ordinary man became extraordinary, admirable and a hero in a moment.  Your presentation, delivered from the heart as only you can do, was without doubt the most brilliant I have ever had the privilege to experience.  There you stood, full of life fuelled by the determination to make a give something back.

All disasters, man made or natural, are heart wrenching. It's the manner of your actions, the compassion and generosity of spirit, the gentleness and intuitive understanding that moved me beyond words.  I now have a great friend for life and I am all the better for it.    Thank you Peter, for being such a light for humanity.  Yes, I know that you're not God but you are most definitely one of his angels."

Sony Music

"From the moment I spoke to Peter Baines over the phone to when I said good bye to him after the event it has been an absolute pleasure. I provided Peter with my theme, outcome and ideas of what I wanted from the conference and therefore from his speech. Peter exceeded all expectations. The content of his speech and his actual journey resinated with my and so many of my people.

Being in travel the majority of people had been to the places around the world that Peter was talking about therefore felt some emotional connection to the situation and environment that Peter was faced with. Peter is an exceptionally strong courageous man that the entire audience had a lot of respect for. I would highly recommend Peter as your guest speaker in the future. Thank you Peter for sharing your story with us."

Flight Centre

"I have been working with BHP Billiton now for 8 years. That two hours I spent with Peter Baines was the best two hours of my time with the company. I learnt more about leadership in our closed leaders session with Peter than I have the entire time I have been here and all the training programs I have participated in. He took it to a level I have never thought about before. Amazing."

BHP Billiton

"A truly inspiring keynote address that made us laugh, cry but most of all it made us think. The message of life, leadership and what truly matters was inspirational. Before you die you must get to meet Peter Baines, life will change."

NZ School Trustees Association

"Peter Baines recently delivered his 'Leadership Matters' Keynote for our Senior Leaders and extended it into a follow up workshop. As the organiser of the event it was fantastic to look around the room and see the genuine engagement on their faces, and watch as they absorbed his truly compelling messages. The feedback we have received has been excellent, both on Peter's amazing content but also on his thoroughly engaging and captivating presentation style. He truly challenged us to think differently about Value-Based Leadership and what impact and personal contribution our Senior Leaders really want to make."

St George Bank

"I can absolutely affirm that none of the dozens of international or local speakers I've seen present over the years has ever delivered such a powerful story of leadership, teamwork, humanity & hope. Your presentation deals with highly confronting challenges, far beyond anything we in the corporate world might consider to be a 'bad day at the office' - your honesty, integrity & humour were absolutely right on the money & you had the entire audience captivated. Let me assure you as you had to leave us immediately after your presentation, that throughout the rest of today (& I'm sure it will continue through tomorrow), everyone I've spoken with has said that your presentation has been the highlight of the conference for them."

Manpower Business Solutions